Don't Miss Out! CONCEPT Premium theme - 50% OFF



When you submit a technical request, to avoid wasting time having to ask for your admin access. Please follow the instructions below:

For Shopify or Advanced plan stores, please create a staff account for our support team using this link: [email protected]. Grant permissions for Theme, App, Product, and Setting access. Also, share your store URL and any password. Let us know which theme you want changes on. See image guide."

If you have a Basic plan and can't create a staff account, we'll send you a collaborator request. Provide your store URL and collaborator request code in your ticket. After you share the info, we'll send the request and notify you. Simply approve the invitation from us. See image guide.

Please create an invitation for us (for [email protected]) to access your store. Find out more about how to add new users at This link

Specifically, please create an API (V2/V3) account at This link and provide us with a username, API path, Client ID, and Access Token.

(We need an API account to be able to run the theme under localhost. You don't need to set up permission for "Order or Customer". We just need permission to customize the theme.)

Below are demo images for granting permissions and API accounts:

Please click here to see the image guide 1.

Please click here to see the image guide 2.

Please click here to see the image guide 3.

Please click here to see the guide to creating an API account.

Please let us know Your Store Name or Store URL in the invite message and Store Preview code (if have)

Don't miss out! CONCEPT - Premium Multipurpose Shopify Theme, 50% OFF for just 2 weeks!

Concept - Sleek, Optimal Shopify Theme OS 2.0