Move the collection description to the bottom of the collection page
To move the collection description to the bottom of the collection page, please follow instructions below:
- Please check which layout you are using: Editor -> Theme settings -> Multiple Layouts -> Category Page -> Category Page Layout.

- Go to Admin -> Edit Code -> Sections / main-collection.liquid -> find the corresponding template and click the arrow to go to the file to be changed. Please check the image below for more details.

- Please paste codes below at the end of the file.
- If you want to show entire collection description, please use this code:
{% if collection.description != '' %}
{{ collection.description }}
{% endif %}

- If you want to remove the image from the collection description, please use this code:
{% if collection.description != '' %}
{{ collection.description | split: '
{% endif %}
- If you don’t want to show the content on the top of the page, please go to the Snippets/collection-header.liquid file and remove this code as shown in image below.